IP Preconfiguration


Our Customizing team modifies standard products according to customer specifications, determines suitable components and procures them. In addition, we configure and parametrise IP cameras, network video recorders and NAS systems as well as video management hardware and software after having consulted with you in person and created a comprehensive requirements catalogue. And since we do all this at a fixed price, no unpleasant surprises will be awaiting you.

Our preconfiguration services comprise a test installation of the application including a test run and, if necessary, over-the-phone support during system start-up, reducing the time and effort needed to commission the application on site. We also take charge of system documentation with the cable layout plan supplied by us, which guarantees that you receive a fully functional system that is ready for installation. If hardware is incompatible with your existing equipment when coming straight from the factory, we will adapt it to your specific requirements. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our IP preconfiguration services include:

  • Personal consultation
  • Creation of a requirements catalogue
  • Preconfiguration of IP addresses
  • Configuration according to previously defined IP settings
  • System installation and cabling
  • System set-up (access data, user management, security settings)
  • Performance test of the individual components
  • Firmware update if applicable
  • Test installation of the application including test run
  • Over-the-phone support during start-up

VIDEOR IP preconfiguration: save time and money

We set the required parameters for IP cameras, the client/server and the VMS according to your specifications before delivering the products to you, reducing the effort required for on-site commissioning and guaranteeing that you will receive a fully functional system ready for installation.
Of course, we will also provide you with the proper documentation including a cable layout plan.


We are happy to modify hardware that does not suit your needs when coming straight from the factory.

Server IP-Vorkonfiguration
Server IP-Vorkonfiguration

Do you need a powerful server/client or assistance with IP preconfiguration? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Contact: VIDEOR Solutions

+49 6074  888-111  +49 6074  888-111
[email protected]  [email protected]