Association Membership Is Important to Us
VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH is a member of the associations listed below and actively contributes to their work. When we get involved, it is also to your benefit!

With more than 990 associated companies, the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik e.V. (Federal Association for Security Technology) is the association for security technology. Its members (approx. 78% installers, 20% manufacturers and 2% planners), consisting of highly competent people and businesses, are organised in specialised committees and bodies where they draw up fast solutions. They form the backbone of the association’s success. The BHE aims at representing the professional interests of its members towards other relevant institutions such as the VdS and the police. Another important aspect of the BHE’s work is the cooperation with other industry associations, institutions and authorities to make sure security services are developed, designed and used properly.

The Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft (Society for Television and Film, FKTG) is one of the oldest German technical associations. It came into being on 9 October 1972 when two of its predecessor organisations, the Deutsche Kinotechnische Gesellschaft (DKG), founded in 1920, and the Fernsehtechnische Gesellschaft, founded in 1952, merged. The FKTG has two main objectives: promoting the television and film industry and providing a platform where all parties involved or interested in these areas can exchange their ideas and experiences. The magazine “Fernseh- und Kino-Technik” (FKT) serves as the association’s official mouthpiece.

VIDEOR is a member of the IHK Offenbach am Main, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Offenbach am Main region. The chamber represents 40,000 companies with more than 150,000 employees and 3,300 apprentices from the municipality of Offenbach am Main. It relies on the voluntary work of 1,300 entrepreneurs and executives and has 70 employees. To promote the local economy, entrepreneurs from the region work hand in hand in different bodies. Jürgen Hagenlocher, Managing Director of VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH, is one of the chamber’s many volunteers. He was elected to the General Assembly of the IHK Offenbach am Main in 2009 and has been a member of this body ever since. Since 2015, he has also been a member of the committee of medium-sized companies at the Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, DIHK) in Berlin. On 14 September 2017, he was elected the IHK Offenbach am Main’s vice president by the chamber’s General Assembly.

With 1,600 associated companies, the Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, ZVEI) is one of the most important industry associations in Germany. It represents the interests of a high-tech industry with a varied and extremely dynamic product portfolio. The association comprises different divisions – for example the Safety & Security Division VIDEOR is a member of – which provide its members with first-hand and market-specific insights. They also represent the companies that operate in the individual segments of the electrical and electronic industry, promoting their interests inside and outside the association. In specific terms, the divisions provide their members with market statistics, monitor foreign markets and import competition and also collaborate with industry associations from other countries.